Now Is Your Time

"You don't get to completely decide when it's your time. You may have worked unwaveringly, honestly, all the while - consciously or unconsciously - positioning yourself, but you never really know if your "big" moment will come. Then, for the few, it's there." - Bruce Springsteen

It's always your time.  

It is always your time to be present with yourself.
It is always your time to be present with the world around you.
It is always your time to do something that matters. 

I moved to Florida six years ago taking a role recruiting musicians for a cruise line. In my first annual review, I received an overall score of 4 out of 5. I was livid. I wanted a 5, felt I deserved a 5, and then asked my leader what I needed to do to get a 5. I'll never forget this; my leader told me: "Nobody gets a 5, maybe the CEO gets a 5, it's rare and for special cases." The following year I received a 5! But,

I wasn't happy.
Because now that I had it, now what?!?  
I could only go down from there.  
How do I outperform my outperformance?
I learned a more important lesson from receiving a 5.  

Being on top doesn't account for much.  
Yes, it might lead to a pay raise.  
Yes, it might lead to a promotion.
Yes, people may respect you more. 
But it doesn't account for much.  

If I had to do it again, I would do the following:

  • Show up every day and do something that mattered.

  • Not have hope for a future "benefit" such as a high rating.

  • I will hope that what I'm doing is helping someone that needs help.

  • Believe that if I bring my efforts to bear and create the change I seek, I am thriving, and that's enough.

I might not receive a promotion, a raise, a 5, or be the top 1% of employees. That's okay. I will have done something each day that mattered in a meaningful way. That will make all the difference.  

It's my time now.
Now, at this moment, I am fully myself.
Now, at this moment, I am alive.
I may not be in the Top 1% of people who do what I do. That's okay.

I am showing up
Bringing all my effort to bear,
For those that think what I think and want to help others.
It's my time.

It's also yours.
What are you doing?

One Small Step.

Show Up. Every Day.