Show Up. Every Day.

You shared your stories.
You connected the tribe.
You inspired us to act.
Now show up.

Every single day, show up.
Every single day, do something that matters.
Every single day, be a servant for others. Solve a problem, help, lead.

I've struggled in the past.

In previous roles, I had a hard time finding ways to do things that I felt mattered. It's not the fault of my leaders. They were fine. I just needed something different. I was different. I wasn't for them.

For years, I struggled with life. I hated going to work. I hated the culture I was part of, and I hated who I was becoming on the inside. Since leaving, moving home, and writing this blog, I have found the person inside that I always dreamed I'd be. Someone that helps people solve their problems.

Am I making money from this blog? Hell no.
Do I want to be a social media influencer? I'm too old ;-)
Am I trying to raise a crowd of Millenials and tell them to forget school? As much as I respect Gary Vee, no, that's not who I am.

I don't make money from this blog.
I am happy if others like me want to be part of the journey. But,
I don't care about how many followers I have or my reach.
I want to put something into the world that matters.
Something that I feel makes me come alive.
I wanted to show up for someone.


I have committed to myself to show up โ€” every day,
Come alive, and
Do one thing that mattered.

Where are you?

Now Is Your Time
