Passion and Success.

To market is to change the minds of others to hope for something better.
The hope you create for others is your brand.  
Your brand is a promise of a better.
You serve the promise you make.

Passionate people want to believe that what they do matters. What you do does matter.  

Passionate people want to believe that what they do matters and leads to success. What you do matters, but what's your definition of success?

Success means different things to different people. I'll share a bit about what success means to me.

  • Every day, waking up and doing one thing that mattered. I write my blog.

  • To see what I do help another person in a meaningful way.

  • In times of stress, to be present and self-aware.

  • To create something that will help someone have a better tomorrow.

  • To work in a way that enables me to support my family.

My definition of success does not include increasing my followers, nor does it involve maximizing profits. I have a job that enables me to survive. I don't do what I do to be an influencer; I do what I do because I want to help at least one person to see something more in themselves. Maybe they'll help or share with another?  

If you haven't guessed, I am passionate about helping others.


If someone were to read my blog, because they hoped for insights that would inspire them to do something better for themselves and others, and then make that change, I would feel successful.  

How do you define success?  

Are you passionate about it?


If you’re like me, you probably have friends who are passionate about making their lives better through their work. If you’re like me, you want to help them. If you find that this information might help people like our friends, consider letting them know about our mailing list. One email each day. No spam.


Create Clarity.