Create Clarity.

If you've been following along the marketing mini-series, you'll have seen a few trends.  

  • Importance of clarifying your message;

  • Choose to be different; and

  • Take steps to see the world from another's point of view.

I write on these themes often because most service providers struggle with the above; empathy is in short supply for much of the world these days. But there's another reason that makes these points important.  

When you practice these strategies, you'll cut above the rest of your industry; you'll be different. In other words, you'll stand out. Being visible is important because customer confusion is not good!

Everybody doing the same thing the same way means every provider is the same. That's boring! It's also confusing for the customer.  

  • How do they understand who's quality and who's not?

  • How do they know who meets their needs?

  • How can they tell this up-and-coming group is better for them than the group that's been around the longest?

It's difficult. In these situations, safe choices always win.  But you can do something to cut above the confusion.

You can:

  • Serve the smallest viable audience. Find an underserved niche group and serve them.

  • Don't say you're "all things for all people" - you're not. You're a big thing to a specific group of people (see above).

  • Use different types of photos, colors, and words that resonate with your target audience. Your taste doesn't matter; think about your customer.

  • Create a product/service that's unique. If you're in the party band scene, find a way to be remarkable.

  • If everybody uses the same videos to get noticed, employ a different strategy.

Un-confuse the confused

Create a simple, singular, different, and empathetic message.  
No one likes to struggle to find the answers.  
Make it easier for others.  
Serve them.  

Passion and Success.

Quality Over Quality.