Serve the Audience.

If you are bringing people together to engage with music that celebrates strangers, then encourage people to be next to strangers. Or, if they already are, encourage them to acknowledge one another.

If you are holding a rehearsal for an upcoming concert, then serve the musicians who are attending by providing advanced direction, an idea of what "performance ready" looks like, a reason to care.

If you are hiring talent and holding an interview, serve your interviewee by not being afraid to be vulnerable yourself, be authentic, speak to them as one human to another. See them.

How about a wedding band? Serve your audience by helping them celebrate the new lives of those that were just married. Yes, there are traditional games and rituals, but go a step further. Invite people to dedicate songs, curate a song track around friendships, vulnerability, and weave stories in and out of songs that tie into the event.

You are the steward of your gathering's mission. When you serve the audience with an experience that ties into the intention of your event, they will be inspired to act; you will create art.

We are Equal.

Size Matters.