We are Equal.

When your tribe gathers, equalize them.

If there are roles to be played, delegate the tasks, and be transparent.

If when your fans attend, you'd like them all to wear a specific color, give them what they need - an equal place at the table.

If you're having a meeting, consider a circular table instead of a square/rectangular one.

If there are people from different social classes in attendance, invite them to call each other by their first name, and not discuss their work.

If you are a recruiter, help your candidate feel as if they are in control.

If you are an artist, let your audience know that you're part of the experience with them.

If you are a leader, remind your team that you're supporting them, not the other way around.

Great things happen when we work together on the same level. No one is better than another, we're different. When you want to bring people together in a way that inspires action, be at the same level.

We are equal.

Protect the Event.

Serve the Audience.