Skills and Outcomes.

Have you hit your head against the wall because your actions aren't getting the results you've wanted?

Go a step further, when you've failed to be effective, do you first blame yourself and your skill? Or do you blame that which you're trying to change? The situation? Bad luck? Other people? The Weather?

That which influences your ability to do anything but is outside of your control is "luck." Luck has nothing to do with skill.

When you win or fail, before sulking or celebrating, first reflect on the skills you brought to bear and ask yourself, "How could I do it better?"

Don't blame luck, others, or situations for that which you can easily control. Doing so will only lead to more failure.

Instead, reflect. Seek out where you went wrong, ask others for feedback, allow yourself to be vulnerable, and improve.

Your abilities to continuously learn from wins and losses, to seek out new knowledge, and to practice and apply new skills enables your ability to come alive.

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Give Yourself Margin.

Give Yourself Margin.