Start with Failure.

Start with Failure.

I wish I employed this tactic more in previous roles.

Have you heard the "7-Habits of Highly Effective Leaders" adage, "start with the end in mind?"

I read this book in college and a few times since. As I write, I'm deciding to reread it soon.

Okay, so what happens if the end was a failure?

We always want to see the most optimistic results for ourselves - a win. Well, imagining failure would also be an encouraging result - we'd learn what did not work, that's something.

Don't desire for failure, don't wish for your efforts not to produce results that push a team forward. If your leaders, people that you are accountable to, desire a specific outcome - make it happen. But if you have doubts, leverage them - consider what would happen if your efforts failed.

Tap into "Future You," see the failure, consult with your decision tribe, and work the problem.

The Dangers of Hindsight

The Dangers of Hindsight

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