David Brady Helps

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Ways to Question.

If Bob is the messenger that's often shot down and "Truth" is the skeptic, then I am the proverbial, "bull-in-a-china-shop."  

In the past, I've too often sought truth and offered opposing views with direct, blunt, and relentless drive. As you can imagine, like the others, I've been misunderstood as well.  

Today I'm sharing some tactics that people like us, the skeptics, the messengers, and the bulls can use to help others.  

  • "Yes. And..." When someone is telling you something, and it's clear another point of view is needed, agree to those things that make sense to you and then offer another point of view. "Yes, I agree that having an alternative point of view is essential. And have you considered 'XYZ'?"

  •  Ask permission. "Thanks for sharing your thoughts, may I offer another point of view that might help?"  

  • Remind yourself of your purpose. "I know my boss just told me something disagreeable. At this moment, I expect myself to be helpful and offer insights that push their agenda forward."

  • Focus on the future. Focus on helping others improve their decision-making for the future. No need to rehash past outcomes, focus on offering new ways to think.  

  • Don't judge. Sometimes people have ideas that run contrary to our own. Find other Truths, Bobs, or Bulls and ask them to challenge you!  

  • Nudge. I'm guilty of bulldozing when nudging would have been a more effective strategy. Someone has to want to take a step, all you can do is show the path ahead.

Of course, if you're part of a Decision Tribe, then be all you can be to question, challenge bias, and leave personal feelings at the door. However, when speaking to others outside of the group, consider the above methods. Had I known these years ago, I would have saved myself some unnecessary headaches.  

There is a special place for the Bobs, the Truths, and the Bulls in this world. We offer a useful counterbalance.  

For those like us, consider these tactics to help you come across better to those you seek to serve.