David Brady Helps

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Why Do It?

As early as I can remember, the biggest role model in my life was my father. He was a lawyer. As a child, I used to ask my father: "What do you do?" and my father would respond:

"I help people solve their problems."

I am motivated to connect with people. I want to inspire them. I want those that I inspire to see more in themselves and use that to build a better world. I want to help people solve their problems.

Who do I help?

I help those struggling to find meaningful work. Right now, I help by providing insights into recruitment, leadership, and how to be a more effective version of yourself. These insights are born from my life and my reading's and I encourage you to use and share them to help yourself and others. I also provide a fee-based service for musicians.

What can you expect?

I will make daily insights. I will make an effort to be brief and offer useful tools and knowledge you can use. I will not sell your information, and I will not waste your inbox with spam. If you'd like to subscribe, feel free.

What's my aim?

My aim is to put my thoughts into the world and, maybe, someone will be moved enough to share them with someone else. If not, that's okay too... because I've learned that knowledge should be shared and that's how I intend to live.

I hope that you'll glean some helpful insights and that you'll try to help someone else. Anything worth believing in is worth fighting for, and you're worth it.