Why you should be a gift to yourself.
All in Leadership
And, how we could turn Wisconsin Avenue into a boulevard.
And, why aren’t you doing more things that are bonkers?!
What can be measured gets managed - and more often than not, poorly.
Don’t try to understand the understandable. Instead, listen, be intuitive, and abandon logic.
No, but fear is. What are you doing to combat fear?
Life can already get pretty complicated. Perhaps embracing simplicity is a better option.
The Decision Series has come to an end, for now ;-)
If you found these insights useful to you, please share this blog with others. We need to build a tribe of people who are self-motivated to improve their lives, to create better art, and never to allow "good enough" to be okay.
If you have doubts, leverage them - consider what would happen if your efforts failed.
Seeing only the long game doesn't help, but seeing only the short can be ruinous.
There is a special place for the Bobs, the Truths, and the Bulls in this world. We offer a useful counterbalance. For those like us, consider these tactics to help you come across better to those you seek to serve.