Yogurt that failed.

Yogurt that failed.

I made yogurt the other day - but it failed. So I made cheese. Why should you care?

Because sometimes the outcome of a project may not be the outcome you expect.

I know that if I heat the yogurt to 90F/32C, add yogurt from my last batch, and then leave it in my oven with the light turned on for 30 hours, I'll have yogurt. But this time, that didn't happen.

I over fermented the milk. Instead of yogurt, I got a semi-fizzy whey protein with separated curds. So I made cheese.

I strained the curds over a pot for a few hours, and voila - cheese.

I then milled the cheese with salt, oregano, and basil. It's delicious.

I followed the right process to make yogurt, but I got a different - and acceptable - outcome. But only because I chose to see it that way.

When life doesn't work out the way you hoped, and you did everything right, maybe there's an opportunity to make something from it. Some say that's lemonade. For me, it's cheese.

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