Buying avocados is a good way to think about planning.

Buying avocados is a good way to think about planning.

You can't just buy an avocado. The soft avocados need to be eaten soon. The hard ones need more time.

So do you buy 5 hard avocados all at once?
Will you want to eat 5 ready-to-eat avocados around the same time?

When you buy avocados, you must buy with intention. Do you need something for the moment or the future? You'd almost be better off buying a hard avocado each day of the week so that they are ready-to-eat in a sustainable manner.

Like life, everything isn't always ready at the same time. You start your ideas, and they grow and fruit in their time. Plan your life like you plan to eat to avocados, and suddenly life isn't so overwhelming.

Bon Appetite.

On Guilt.

On Guilt.

How will you keep on track with your long-term goals?

How will you keep on track with your long-term goals?