I heard a fox scream.

I heard a fox scream.

The other day I thought it would be fascinating to hear how foxes communicate with one another.

Not surprisingly, I started my search by looking up "fox communication," and I received links to Fox News.

Not really what I wanted. So, I took a step further, "fox communication vixen (a female fox)."

I clicked the first video.

I've found that vixens make other, much softer vocalizations too.
But, imagine my surprise when my first video is of a fox screaming!

Immediately, I thought about how we must sound to other animals.

Humans create and manipulate sound as a way to communicate with one another.
It's our hope that when we phonate, that other humans will understand our work and respond in kind.
But what does the fox hear?

I imagine we sound just as disturbing to the fox.

If you want to share a message with the world, think about how the ones you seek to serve communicate - speak their language.

Don't scream.

A vision is what you see, and what you don't see.

A vision is what you see, and what you don't see.

A short self-reflection.

A short self-reflection.