David Brady Helps

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A short note on re-inventing one's self.

Not an easy thing to do!  

And it's something I'd almost recommend people do at least once in their life.  

I never hoped to have the kind of career where I'd be rising up the corporate ladder. If you know me, you know that's not my personality. I want to be tied to something bigger, a change, a positive impact, a mission.  

Reinventing myself has forced me to think about that mission - who am I serving? Why? And how do I serve them?  

I'm often wondering how to use intuition and diverse experiences to help people in my current city. o

I've never had to "pick an industry" before.
Now, people want to know what industry (read: tribe) I belong to.  

I've never had to identify "my ideal role titles."
Now, people want to know what function I want to play in society.  

Being eclectic is a privilege.  
It's a privilege to not have to define yourself by such strict measures.  

I'm thankful for the life I have had and the one I continued to live. I'm also thankful to be able to work towards helping others.  

Reinventing one's self is hard, generous, and fulfilling work.  

If you're in that stage of your life, don't give up.