One of those days

It's one of those days.

When the pit of your stomach feels restless, your eyes feel tired, and your mind is thirsting to learn more... but not focus. When sleep feels welcomed.

Today, I'm choosing to listen to my body, but not listen too hard.

My mind might choose to deflect responsibilities, my stomach may crave nutrient-deficient food, my brain may push me to be reckless. How do I listen?

Risk mitigation.

I spent a year or so in Customer Success. The field of CS, what Customer Success is often known as, is all about showing customers the value of their investment while being on the lookout to risk - something that might cause the customer not to renew their subscription. When you identify risk, you need to come up with a plan to mitigate it.

Well... warping back to the present... my plan is simple.

Let stakeholders know that what got done today, what will get done tomorrow, and that I'm available on my phone if they need me - ringer's on.

So why does this matter for you?

Because you should listen to your body, mitigate the risks, and take care of you.
Nobody pays you enough not to.

Staying curious about being curious.

What if every day was like kindergarten?