Staying curious about being curious.

How do you stay more curious? Why should you?

Curiosity is for finding food, safety, shelter, belonging, and efficacy.
Curiosity is also for avoiding danger.

Curiosity is an essential and deeply required life skill. Are you employing that very primal skill in the very best of ways?

  • Are you being curious about new ideas? Or are you eager to confirm your bias?

  • Are you being curious about the "why behind the what"? Or are you passively aggressively advancing your agenda?

  • Do you really care how I am? Or are you just making a greeting and don't really want to know the answer?

Better employing and leveraging curiosity enables us to be more effective at what we get to do - serving others.

  • How might we serve our audiences better? How might we help them realize more value from our experience?

  • What if my son tried project-based learning as opposed to compliance-based learning? (oh, the irony and quip in that question!)

  • Why does my employer not engage in pay transparency?

  • Why did my followers like this song vs that song?

It's an easy call to action - being more curious. And if you're thinking that it's so easy to do, then ask yourself, "How might I be and stay more curious?"

The toughest time of the year

One of those days