Can we understand our humanity better through music?

I spoke with my college composition professor today. That same person happens to be an accomplished flamenco guitarist. I asked him about the history of flamenco music and how it’s evolved.

The music may have originated in North India, and then traveled along trade routes to Spain. Along the way, the music picked up influences from cultures in the Middle East and nomadic groups like the Romani (I’m told the politically incorrect term is “gypsy” though I know people who self-identify as “gypsy).

Flamenco music would go on to influence the music from cultures in the Caribbean and in South America. And here’s what’s interesting,.. the music would eventually come back and influence the players in Spain!

Music moving back and forth across the lobe influencing and being influenced by all in its path. Beautiful.

If we open ourselves up and allow it, we can be like music. Moving around our communities. Influencing and being influenced. Growing. Becoming even more beautiful than you are right now.

Are you getting what you want?

The gardener as marketer.