David Brady Helps

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Looking at Others.

As a child, kids bullied me.  
As a child, people would choose others before me.
As a child, people always seemed to have better things.
As a child, I thought like a child. 

During early adulthood, I would see others and want to be like them. I noticed leaders chose others over me. People would often post about their grandiose life on social media, and I would be jealous. As an early adult, I thought like a child.  

Thinking like a child, in this way, compromises relationships. How can you be everything you're meant to when you're comparing yourself against others? Others are not playing the same game you play, not living your life, and don't matter. 

  • Other people are living their best and worst lives. They may show only their best one on social media. Those lives don't matter.

  • Other people may choose other people before you. You're not for them. Find those you "are" for and serve them.

  • Other people may kick you while you're down, but returning the hurt doesn't help. Their lives don't matter.

From my own life, here's what I've learned:

  • Others matter: they need care, empathy, support, help, and love.

  • Others don't matter: they don't need you to make them happy, be their first choice, fight back when they hurt you.

  • Look at others in a way that enables you to help, love, support, and serve them. Doing so, you will create your fulfillment and happiness.

I've learned to realize what matters. Many things don't. When you can tune out the noise and focus on what needs focus, amazing things happen.  

Consider looking at others differently.  

Focus on what matters.