Seeing only the long game doesn't help, but seeing only the short can be ruinous.
Seeing only the long game doesn't help, but seeing only the short can be ruinous.
How powerful is regret to you? Is it so powerful that you'd instead consider that feeling before you've done something that might make that feeling real for you?
Reflect on the past and project your learnings into the future. You'll see the path ahead of you now - in the present, with more detail and clarity.
Break the rules of time travel. Project yourself into the future to meet your "future self." If possible, try to channel "Bob" and see all of your future versions. Then, come back to the present and make a bet.
There is a special place for the Bobs, the Truths, and the Bulls in this world. We offer a useful counterbalance. For those like us, consider these tactics to help you come across better to those you seek to serve.
The skeptics, truth-seekers, in your life want to see you do the right thing for yourself. A skeptic desires you to consider all the facts, operate with integrity, be real enough to admit your faults, and earnest enough to do better next time.
We can meet in the middle when we start telling ourselves the story others are trying to share with us.
I'm not spinning when I say you were 30% right. I'm showing you a way to think about being 70% more right the next time around.
If every outcome has a probability of being a "win" or a "loss" for you, I'll let you define what that means, then isn't the process of how you came to win or lose more critical in determining future outcomes?
When you shoot the messenger because you don't like the messenger, you end up killing their message with it - don't! The insights brought to bear may save a project, save time, heck - even save money!
If you want to be a better decision-maker, share all of the data with your tribe. Let them press for more, and be willing to put all your cards on the table. Only then, after sharing it all, will you start to see growth within yourself.
I believe that one of the biggest threats to our world, especially the corporate world, is the lack of dissent, skepticism, or a willingness to challenge belief.
Learning stops because I've started seeing someone's work not for what it is, but for what I think it should be. Instead of being the proverbial sponge, I am "judge and jury."
Acknowledge and leverage your primal desire to win and discover how to become the best learner possible. Focus on expanding your mind so that every experience - win or lose - is a learning occasion.
A recruitment story about a tough role to fill, and the anxiety leading up to presentation.
That which influences your ability to do anything but is outside of your control is "luck." Luck has nothing to do with skill.
Life is full of probability. Before crossing the street, jaywalking, you notice that there are no cars in the distance on either side of you, it is probable you'll safely jaywalk across the street. On the contrary, if there appears to be a lot of fast traffic in both directions, the probability of a safe cross is less.
As promised, today, I'm sharing questions you can use to develop your thoughts and make better decisions.