The thing I think I am most afraid of.

I think about what I am most scared of often. Why? I believe it’s good to know what keeps you up at night so that you can be ready to confront it should I be attacked. What scares me? The majority.

You and I, humans, are easily influenced by the majority. We often adopt the views and beliefs of those who we believe are most like us. What’s scary is that the majority’s ideals are often not rooted in stipulated facts and contrarians to the majority are often not welcomed.

I worry about any type of majority exercising power over our ability to think and speak freely. I also worry that we don’t expose ourselves to enough different ideas to challenge our long held beliefs.

I may be a worry wort. But I am also a contrarian, and often not in the majority. Interestingly enough, there’s no other place I’d rather be.

Everyone must leave something behind

Human life.