For you, determine where you are in life. When it's time to leave this life, you won't be thinking about the jobs you held or the career you made. Instead, you might be thinking of how you've changed the lives of others for the better. That's your vocation.
A job that you’re passionate about, willing to sacrifice everything for, and helps you build your "something bigger" is a career.
I'm writing a small series. The series is about jobs and careers. The series is for musicians that often mistake their jobs for their careers or even their vocations. Also, it's about the frustrations that follow.
Strengthen your bonds, trust, and relationships by caring personally and showing someone how they can develop. If you receive negative responses, it's safe to say you've learned that a new approach is best. Learning is growing, growing is life.
If you need to be something different for people to accept you, stop. Be yourself. You are enough. You do not need to alter yourself to find acceptance. If you feel you do, then the people you are seeking to connect with might not be your tribe. Find your tribe.
Don't Be Fake.
You "should" or "should not" be doing anything - you are as you are.
Accept the present. Resist the urge to create false hope.
Stop holding on to your expectations of other people.
Stop saying, "should."
When it's not right - reflect - get out. Find the others that are like you. Connect them. They’re safe.
You are selflessly bringing your talents to bear to solve their problems.
If you're doing your job right, you will be changing the lives of people who have come to listen to you.
If you've done your job right, you've served another.
Maybe it's just a Wisconsin thing, but I see so many T-Shirts that read: "Feed me tacos and tell me I'm pretty." You don't need tacos.
Instructions describe a process, that if followed, will lead to a predictable outcome. But, humans are not predictable. We do not come with an instruction manual.
"The distance between where you want to be, and where you are, closes with one small step." - David Brady (until someone says someone else said it.)
You don’t need to be at the right place, at the right time, and with the right thing in order to prosper. Your time is not based on luck. Your time is now. Right now, you can do something that matters.
What are you doing each day to show up for the world? Your tribe? Yourself? Are you engaged in a creative pursuit to help build a better world? I've struggled to do this and I'll share my story of how I came around. Learn more.
As a Leader - You believe in a future possible for your tribe. You hope that our actions will create a result that leads to our safety. You know how to inspire us to create it.
The belief you have, not yet realized, is our future possible.
The human-animal needs two things to survive:
Find sources of safety; and
Avoid threats.
The human-animal is simple. All we need to do, to survive, is to find safety and avoid threats. How come we're not doing this?
Connect yourself with others who believe what you believe. We need a leader. That leader is you. Go find your tribe and connect them.
People use agents because they feel agents will get them gigs. But people don't often stop to consider the value of themselves. Perhaps this is a marketing problem?