I frequently am contacted by people asking how to start an agency. Just this past week, a new agency came on the market. I wish them well. Still, I'm left wondering - why does everyone want to start an agency?
If you want people to engage with you, dangle the carrot. Make it easy.
You, now, January 8th, starting the second week of the New Year, have an opportunity to fail and to win. You will fail more than win - it's math. But if you fail the way I suggest, you'll learn!
Beating resistance, and coming alive, requires you to treat your work as a professional. I'm not referring to charging for your work, but realizing that professionals exhibit certain traits that amateurs don't.
Think of the great people for your nation's history, the great thinkers and doers of our time; they beat the resistant versions of themselves. So can you.
Recognize the resistance in others. Realize that they are not trying to hold you back. They may not realize that they're expressing the resistant version of themselves.
To break past the work of "Resistant You," you first need to identify its accomplices, realize what's going on, make a choice to face the fear, then execute - come alive.
The part of you that keeps you from coming alive, "Resistant You," has friends. You probably know them.
Don't listen to the version of yourself that keeps you from coming alive. Take courage, be bold, and plunge yourself into the pool of risk.
You are in a war. A war between the "you" with beliefs and dreams of a better world, and the "you" that wants you to hold back, is afraid of shame, doesn't feel they're good enough - the "resistant you."
There are others like you, scared to take the leap. They share your concerns. I know, I've helped many. You're not alone.
Resolutions for the new year are bets on a future us. We're making a decision based on a "future version of ourselves" that we want to see. If you plan to improve your life, I am all for it - do it!
Step into 2020 with a renewed sense of your purpose.
Step knowing that the right expectation is the one you hold for yourself.
The Decision Series has come to an end, for now ;-)
If you found these insights useful to you, please share this blog with others. We need to build a tribe of people who are self-motivated to improve their lives, to create better art, and never to allow "good enough" to be okay.
Realize, in life, the odds are not in your favor. You will lose so much more than you'll win. Like gambling, the house will always win - the house is "life."
If you have doubts, leverage them - consider what would happen if your efforts failed.
Make a Ulysses Pact with yourself to help with decisions. Sometimes deciding in advance makes all the difference.